26. July 2024
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-blasts-fbi-director-wrays-testimony-shrapnel-hitting-him-not-bullet The start of the FBI's magic bullet theory. Well, what type of bullet did the FBI tell the shooter to use? Bullets that fall apart before they reach the target? Is the FBI going to send around agents with pockets full of bullets, as with the JFK assassination, to get their alibis to be consistent? Why don't you confess now to the Deep State's active involvement in trying to assassinate...
22. July 2024
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/07/21/tulsi-gabbard-kamala-harris-figurehead-deep-state-maidservant-hillary/ The Deep State is clearly attempting to consolidate around Kamala Harris. The general public has largely been indifferent to her. Is Hillary Clinton still a Deep State heavyweight? Maybe.
21. July 2024
The Deep State didn't give him any choice. The guy who attempted to assassinate Trump was also researching Biden. While he preferred to whack Trump, he clearly would have tried to whack anyone that the Deep State told him to. When this became apparent to Biden, he conveniently caught Covid, so he could hide in his basement for a week to sort things out. He had only one choice, and took it. Kamala Harris, the Vice President, becomes the immediate obvious replacement for Biden. She has succeeded...
19. July 2024
https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2024/07/18/uk-foreign-secretary-lammy-refuses-to-apologise-for-branding-trump-a-neo-nazi-sympathising-sociopath/ This reminds me of what Independence Day was all about.
19. July 2024
https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/eu-parliament-refuses-condemn-trump-assassination-attempt FREXIT
19. July 2024
https://www.zerohedge.com/political/blueanon-watch-one-third-democrats-believe-trump-faked-assassination-attempt-conspiracy This reminds me of a 3 Stooges episode. Black Louie, the Pirate, stands Larry up against the wall, and they have a friendly game of throwing knives at him. The first one who hits him loses. If anyone is faking it, it is Biden, with his Covid excuse. It may have occurred to him that the Deep State may not be too happy with him, continuing to want to run for President.
18. July 2024
Let's paint a scenario that could be true. Is it true? I don't know. I've had the displeasure of having to deal with the Deep State most of my life. If you haven't gone to Harvard, like me, you've probably been spared the experience. The Deep State is one sick puppy. I'm not a doctor, but I do get barfed on. They can, and do, spy on anything they want, via modern electronics. (They used to use more traditional bugging with telephones.) After decades of this, they've perfected the technique. How...
17. July 2024
17. July 2024
https://www.zerohedge.com/political/intentional-failures-rep-cory-mills-triggers-cnn-host-vows-j13-committee-investigate Meanwhile the Democrats are now in a mad rush to get Biden formally nominated, so they can transfer his $100 million of campaign donations to another Democrat to run for President. No word yet on who that will be.
17. July 2024

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