Myanmar’s Civilian Government: Our Military Strategy is Weakening the Enemy


There's an old saying that the first casualty of war is the truth.


I like to read stories of what is happening in the struggle. But I view this as propaganda.  If they want to get a handle on the truth, NUG should ask all of its neighboring countries. Maybe one of them will tell them the truth.


In some endeavors bad number errors will cancel each other out in the aggregate. Not in counting battle casualties. In my case, the American Deep State had monkeyed with my election vote numbers so much, that they didn't even make sense any more. So it be for the numbers in Irrawaddy's article.


With modern medicine, any war in the last hundred years is going to have a much larger number for combatants injured than those killed. Compare numbers reported by Irrawaddy and Mizzima with numbers reported for any modern war.


And then there's the editorial bias of the reporters. Our side killed 40 of the enemy. We suffered two casualties, who suffered blisters on their trigger fingers.


You normally wouldn't even want to report accurate numbers, because it allows the enemy to adjust their tactics to produce better results.


The whole world wants peace in Myanmar. This is the perfect time to move in that direction.


Is NUG winning? I doubt it. India wants to open gas stations in Sagaing, reported to be a NUG stronghold. If NUG was winning, they would be joyful for acquiring a new source of revenue. But they aren't, are they?